Monday, June 25, 2012

24 June 2012

Kelas 1 - 3

sesi 1 = Coach Susi Tjio
sesi 2 = Coach Linda

Kelas 4 - 6
sesi 1 = Coach Lily Bun
sesi 2 = Coach Lusiana

God's Word on Faith

1. Lesson

  • The Bible tells us that our Christian walk is a walk of faith. 
  • 2 Cor 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
  • What is faith?
    • Believing that God keeps His promises even when we cannot see it fulfilled yet.
    • Heb 1:1 To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.
    • Just like when cannot see air, but we can trust that when we take our next breath, we will get what our body needs. Just like when we cannot see gravity, we can take a step knowing we won’t float away.
  • What is our faith based on?
    • Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
    • Our faith is NOT wishy-washy. Not based on hopeful day dreams. Our faith is based on who God is (unchanging, faithful), and what Jesus has done to bring us into relationship with Him.
    • Because of Jesus, we qualify for God’s promises!
  • How to move mountains?
    • Jesus says that with faith, we can speak to mountains and they will move.
    • Mark 11:23-24  For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you praybelieve that you receive them, and you will have them.
  • What are mountains?
    • Any challenges we may face — problems, sickness, stress etc
  • What do we have to do when we face mountains?
    • Speak God’s promises to the problem  (“Say to the mountain”; “Pray”)
    • Believe what you say to the problem will be done
    • Rest in Faith — know that God keeps His promises
  • Where can we find God’s promises?
    • In the Bible!
    • When we are in trouble …
      • “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
      • "The Lord will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:7-8
    • When we are afraid …
      • “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
    • When we are tired …
      • “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” Isaiah 40:29
    • When we are sick …
      • He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24
    • When we are in need …
      • And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19
  • When we pray, we speak what we believe — what God’s word says
    • When you don’t feel well:
      • “I'm not moved by what my body tells me. I believe what Christ said about me. He said that by His stripes I am healed, so I declare that I am healed.”
    •  When you are facing “mountains” or problems:
      • “Problem, no matter how big you may seem to be, you are no match for the Christ in me. Be removed and be cast into the sea! For in Christ I have the victory.”
  • Even when we cannot see God working yet, continue to believe that His Promises are true, and He is faithful and will never fail.
  • Memory Verse: Heb 11:1 To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. 

2. Activity Idea
  • Activity Sheet: God Keeps His Promises  

Monday, June 18, 2012

17 June 2012

Kelas 1 - 3

sesi 1 = Coach Sianthy
sesi 2 = Coach Yungcien

Kelas 4 - 6
sesi 1 = Coach Swanky
sesi 2 = Coach Kezia

The Parable of The Sower

Lesson: Jesus' Words bear fruits in us 

1. Story:
  • Tell Jesus's Parable of The Sower from Luke 8:4-15.
  • Jesus likes to tell stories. One day, He told a large crowd the parable of a sower (farmer).
  • Once there was a farmer who went to sow his seed.
    • Some of the seed fell on the path, where people walked on. The seed got stepped on, and the birds came and ate them up.
    • Some of the seed fell on dry, rocky ground. The plant grew, but then it dried up and died because it didn’t have enough water.
    • Some of the seed fell on thorns. As the plants grew, the thorns also grew and choked them.
    • Still other seed fell on good soil. When the plants grew, it bore a hundred times more fruit!

  • Later, Jesus’ disciples asked him what the parable meant. Jesus explained:
    • The seed = word of God; The soil = our hearts
    • Path: Those who hear, but have the word taken away by the devil so that they do not believe in what Jesus says
      • Sometimes we hear the Word of God, one of Jesus’ promises, and we do not believe it. Maybe we have been disappointed before, so we reject God’s word. Then we don’t give God’s word a chance to work in our lives.
      • E.g.  Jesus says He has authority over sicknesses. But you say, “Last time I prayed, but I didn’t get healed. So it can’t be true.” Then when you are sick, you don’t believe that Jesus can heal you.
    • Rocky ground: Those who hear and receive the word with joy, but they have no root. When time of testing comes, they fall away.
      • Sometimes we hear Jesus’ word, about His love and His grace, but our heart is still hard — we still rely on ourselves, our efforts, our works. When challenges come, you decide that you want to follow your own way instead of relying on Jesus. So we miss out on seeing Jesus work in our lives.
      • E.g. Jesus says He will never leave you and He will be with you forever. But maybe you think that “Today I was very naughty, so Jesus won’t want to be with me.” So whenever you do something wrong, you hide from Jesus instead of going to Him.
    • Thorns: Those who hear, but as time goes by, they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and do not mature.
      • Sometimes we hear Jesus’ word, but we let our fears overcome our faith. Or we rely on the things of this world instead of relying on Jesus. Then we get distracted by all these things that we think can give us security and happiness, and we forget that in Jesus, we have everything
      • E.g. Jesus says He will provide everything for us. But we may think, “I have to provide for my own need. I’ve got to keep working and saving and storing up so that I have enough.” Then as you grow older, you put all your time and energy into your career, you concentrate on making money, and you are so tired and don’t have any time for God anymore.
    • Good soil: Those with good hearts, who hear the word, keep it in faith, and produce fruit a hundred fold.
      • We all can be the good soil — we can all hear Jesus’ word and believe it. Believe in who He is. Believe what He says. Believe that He loves you. Believe that He is good. And as we receive the word of faith, we see it produce lots of fruit in our lives! We’ll see His healing, His blessings, His love, His goodness overflow in our lives.

  • The seed is always good seed. God’s word is always true.
  • The more we focus on Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross, we:
    • Don’t let the devil take away His word from our hearts; we will believe what Jesus says and promised
    • Don’t try to depend on our own goodness and abilities; we depend on Jesus and His finished work
    • Don’t be overwhelmed by our fears or chase after other things to make us happy; we’ll go straight to Jesus, our source
    • Will bear much, much fruit, one hundred times more!

3. Activity Ideas:
  • Craft: Fruitful seed
    • Print out/draw pictures of a fruitful plant and get kids to stick seeds (e.g. soya beans, kidney beans etc — larger beans will be easier for younger children) at the root of the plant.
    • Or decorate the plant with the seeds.
    • Write around the plant: “God’s word bears fruit in me


Youth Bible Study
Jesus' Parable: The Sower
Leader' Guide

Read Luke 8:4-15.

1. Jesus told a parable about a sower. The sower sowed seeds that fell on 4types of ground. What happened to each of them?

2.       How did Jesus explain the parable?
  • Seed = Word of God
  • Soil = Heart
  • Path = Those who hear but the devil takes the word out of their hearts before they can believe and be saved.
  • Rocky ground = Those who hear and receive the word with joy, but they have no root. When time of testing comes, they fall away.
  • Thorns = Those who hear, but as time goes by, they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and do not mature.
  • Good soil = Those with good hearts, who hear the word, keep it in faith, and produce fruit a hundred fold.

  • The seed is always good seed. God’s word is always true.
  • The more we focus on Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross, we:
    • Don’t let the devil take away His word from our hearts; we will believe what Jesus says and promised
    • Don’t try to depend on our own goodness and abilities; we depend on Jesus and His finished work
    • Don’t be overwhelmed by our fears or chase after other things to make us happy; we’ll go straight to Jesus, our source
    • Will bear much, much fruit, one hundred times more!

Monday, June 11, 2012

10 Juni 2012

Kelas 1 - 3

sesi 1 = Coach Grace
sesi 2 = Coach Iwan

Kelas 4 - 6
sesi 1 = Coach Andy
sesi 2 = Coach Agus Rianto

Mary & Martha

Lesson: Jesus calls us to rest in Him

1. Story:

  • Tell story based on Luke 10:38-42.
  • When Jesus visited his two friends, Martha and Mary, they must have been so excited to have Jesus in their house.
  • How did Martha react? She wanted to make everything perfect for Jesus. She was so busy preparing the food and cleaning the house for Jesus. She wanted Him to enjoy His time with them.
  • But how did Mary react? She was interested in Jesus, in spending time with Him, in hearing Him talk. So she just sat at His feet and listened.
  • Martha was rushing everything, and seeing Mary just sitting there made her angry. She complained to Jesus, “My sister left me to do the work by myself! Tell her to help me!”
  • Jesus calmed her down. “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

2. Lesson: Good News for Today!
  • Martha thought Jesus would be pleased with her if she did everything right. She wanted everything to be just nice for Him.
  • But in her busyness, she became stressed — “upset and worried” about many things. She also became bitter and angry at people whom she thought wasn’t doing their share of the work. She complained about them.
  • But Jesus reminded Martha that He didn’t need all her “doing” to be pleased with her. He was already pleased with her.
  • All she needed to do was be like Mary and to just sit and spend time with Him, resting.
  • It’s not wrong to want to serve Jesus. In fact, it is good to serve one another. But we cannot serve out of our own strength and we shouldn’t serve because we think it would make God love us more. Doing so would make us upset, worried, bitter and angry. We become tired and burnt out.
  • Let’s all learn to rest in Jesus first, to let Him fill us with His love and strength. Then our service and ministry will be an outflow of Him in our lives.
  •  Illustration idea: (You may choose to use props etc) Torch light with battery vs Lamp plugged into socket. Once the battery runs out, the torch light will not work anymore. But the lamp is plugged into the power source and will keep on shining. If we do things on our own strength, we are running on our own battery, which will drain out eventually. But if we rest in Jesus, we’re always connected in His strength, which will never run out.
  • God promises rest to all of us in Christ Jesus. At the cross, Jesus has done everything for us; He becomes everything for us. When we trust in Him, we can rest and draw on His love, His joy, and His strength every day. And we can serve Him and others with His love, His joy and His strength.
  • Memory VerseMatthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
  • Prayer: Thank you Jesus that we can rest in You because You have done everything for us. Thank you that You love to spend time with us. Thank you that we can draw all we need from You. Thank you that we don’t have to do anything to make You love us more. Thank you for loving me. In Your name we pray, Amen.

3. Activity ideas:
  • Quiet time: Play some slow worship songs. Have kids sit a bit apart from each other, close their eyes, keep quiet and just enjoy the music and God’s presence for about 5 -10 minutes (depending on age/attention span).