Sunday, February 24, 2013

24 Februari 2013

Ibadah Gabungan
Sesi 1
Coach : Savitri
WL : Fenny
Ice Breaker & Games : Kasey, Junita, Tasya

Sesi 2
Coach : Yudistira
WL : Yosi
Ice Breaker & Games : Adeline, Dedy, Agus


The Widow's Gift

Lesson: Jesus gave us His all

1. Story

  • Talk about Jesus and the Widow’s offering, based on Luke 21:1-4 (you can choose to act it out)
  • Jesus sees the heart
    • Jesus saw the gifts people were bringing into the temple. Some brought in huge bags. But others, like this woman, only had two small copper coins.
    • Even though the value of the money was insignificant, but that was all the widow had, and she gave it.
    • To Jesus, that two small coins given from the heart was worth more than the huge amounts put in by the rich people.
    • So whatever gift you want to give to God, give it cheerfully, from the heart — even though the amount may be small.

2. Lesson
  • Jesus gave His all
    • Jesus was God’s only begotten Son. And God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son — His all — so that we can have eternal life (John 3:16).
    • When Jesus left heaven, He left everything just so He can come down to earth to die for us and give His life for us.
    • If God had given us His Son, how would He not give us everything else? (Rom 8:32)
  • We can receive all that Jesus has given to us
    • Like the widow, we are actually poor. We don’t have anything worth very much. Our lives, our good works, our offerings are like two dirty, copper coins.
    • But we can give this life to Jesus, we tell Him, “Lord, take my life. It’s not worth very much, but I give it to you.”
    • Jesus came to earth, left His riches and glory, to take on our poverty and pain. So that we can receive His riches and glory.
    • And when we give Jesus this life, we are actually exchanging it for His divine life, which is full and abundant.

  • Memory Verse: 2 Cor 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

3. Activity Suggestion
  • Memory Verse Review:
    • Use an activity or game to help the kids remember the Memory Verse
    • Some ideas here and here

  • Worksheets
    • Crossword
    • Wordsearch
4. Closing Prayer:
  • Thank you Jesus that You left all You had to come to die for us so that we may live your abundant life. All we have to give you is our life — like the two simple copper coins. Please take it and exchange it for your Divine Life, that Jesus can live in us and through us forever. In your name I pray, Amen!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

17 Februari 2013

Kelas Balita
Sesi 1 = Coach Yosi
             (asst. Tasya & Felicia)
Sesi 2 = Coach Jemimah/Dewi K.
             (asst. Jevelyn)

Kelas 1 - 3
Sesi 1 = Coach Lily Bun
Sesi 2 = Coach Iwan (asst. Dedy)

Kelas 4 - 6
Sesi 1 = Coach Savitri
Sesi 2 = Coach Yungcien

Jesus vs the Pharisees & Sadducees

Lesson: Jesus our Wisdom

1. Story:

  • Tell the account of Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees based on Luke 20:20-39
  • Last week, we talked about the Parable of the Tenants — how the religious leaders tried to challenge Jesus’ authority but failed.
  • So they tried to trap Jesus by sending spies to ask him trick questions. They hoped to get Jesus to say something wrong, so that they could get him arrested.
  • There were two groups of religious leaders — the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
    • The Pharisees: a group of Jews who pride themselves in being set apart from the other Jews because of their strict adherence to Jewish laws and rituals
    • The Sadducees (e.g. “sad-you-see”): they were Jewish religious leaders from wealthy families because they worked with the Roman government. They did not believe that people could be raised from the dead or that angels existed.

  • The Pharisees went first.
    • The question: The Pharisees asked Jesus whether the Jews should support the Roman government with taxes (giving the Romans part of their income) e.g. your mummy and daddy have to give the government part of their salary ever y year so that the government has money to spend.
    • The trick: If Jesus said they should, the people would be angry for they hated the Romans and expected their Messiah to defeat Rome. If Jesus said they shouldn't, the Pharisees could turn him in to the Romans for rebellion.
    • Jesus’ answer: Jesus asked for a coin and asked whose face was on it. It was Caesar — the Roman governor. Then Jesus said, “Give to Caesar's what is [already] his, and give to God what is [already] his." Jesus described a difference between what was God's and what was man's. God wanted the heart of his people, which they would not give. Caesar's wanted their money, which they didn’t like. Jesus said there was no conflict. Besides, it is all God's to begin with.
      • Illustration: Show a dollar note. Ask the kids whose face appears on it. (On the Ringgit Malaysia, the first Prime Minister's face is on the note) Tell them that the face that appears on the money represents the authority and ownership of the money, ie the government. So the money belongs to the government. 
      • Likewise, whose face appears on us? Refer to Gen 1:26-27. God's face, because we are made in His image. Hence who do we belong to? God!
    • The response: The Pharisees failed. They were astonished by Jesus’ wise answer and became silent.

  • The Sadducees went next.
    • The question: When a man dies without any children, his brother must marry his widow and raise children for him. If there were seven brothers, and the first brother died, the second brother had to marry his wife. If the second brother died, the third had to marry the wife. And so on … until all seven brothers had died, and in the end, the wife also died. When they are resurrected (if there’s really such a thing as a resurrection … which the Sadducees didn’t believe in), then whose wife would the woman be?
    • The trick: They thought this question proved there was no life after death. They were attempting to make Jesus look uneducated.
    • Jesus’ answer: Life after death is not like life here — there is no marriage. When we are resurrection, we’ll be like the angels and live as God’s children. Jesus also challenged the Sadducees denial of the resurrection — God said he is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not was their God. He’s not the God of the dead but of the living.
    • The response: The teachers of the law were impressed again. “Well said, teacher!” And no one dared to ask him any more questions.
  • The conclusion:
    • Despite their best efforts, the religious leaders could not trick Jesus because He was wise. He didn’t get into unnecessary arguments and debates but was able to explain things in a way that no one could argue with Him.
    • When we accept Jesus, we are in Him and He is our wisdom! We would be able to answer people as well as Jesus did. And when we don’t know what to do, remember that Jesus’ wisdom will help us in every situation.
    • Memory verse: 1 Cor 1: 30 But God has united you with Christ, and God has made Christ to be our wisdom. 
4. Activity Suggestion
  • Memory Verse Review: Use an activity or game to help the kids remember the Memory Verse
  • Sharing & Prayer: Share an occasion or incident when you didn’t know what to do. Did you ask Jesus, your wisdom, for help? Would you ask Him to give you wisdom next time?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

10 Februari 2013

Ibadah Gabungan Sesi 1 & 2  
- Imlek day -

Sesi 1 = Coach Carrie
WL : Junita & Fenny
(asst. Kasey, Adeline, Agus, Dedy, Jemimah)

Parable of the Tenants

Lesson: Jesus is the chief cornerstone

1. Story:

tenants_working.jpg (798×600)
  • Tell the Parable of the Tenants based on Luke 20:1-19 and Mark 12:1-12.
          check out these great pictures here (

  • The chief priests and teachers of the law didn’t like Jesus. Jesus was always talking about the Good News that God had for his people. They did not want other people hearing about God from Him. They did not believe that Jesus was God’s Son.
  • They demanded to know what authority he had. So Jesus told them this parable.
    • One day a man planted a vineyard. A vineyard is a place where they grow grapes so they can make wine. The owner put a big wall around it. Then he dug a big hole, called a winepress, in the ground so he could crush and squeeze all the juice out of the fruit.
    • The owner needed to go on a trip, so he found some farmers to stay at the vineyard to work while he was away.
    • Then the time finally came when the fruit was ready to be eaten and used to make wine. So the owner sent someone back to the vineyard to collect some of the fruit.
    • The farmers saw this person coming. What do you think they did? They grabbed him, beat him up, and sent him back with nothing.
    • The owner found out what happened. He sent another person to try and collect some grapes. Do you know what happened? They also beat him and treated him shamefully and sent him back empty handed.
    • So the owner sent still another person. Do you know what they did this time? The farmers wounded the man and threw him out!
    • The owner then decided to send his own son.  He loved his son very much. He thought to himself, “The farmers will respect my son.”
    • The farmers recognized who the man’s son was. They said to themselves, “This is his son. When the owner dies, his son will get the vineyard. But if we kill his son, then the only ones left to get the vineyard will be us.” So they killed him too, and threw him out of the vineyard.

  • After Jesus shared this story, he asked the leaders a question. “What will the owner of the vineyard do now? He will come and kill all those farmers and then give the vineyard to other people.”
  •  Then Jesus quoted from Psalm 118. “Haven’t you read what Scripture says, ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the most important stone of all.”

2. Lesson(extra scripture verses are for your personal reference/study. Not necessary to mention all to the kids … maybe only 1 or 2 key ones. Tks)
  • Who were the people in this story?
    • The vineyard owner represented God
    •  The vineyard was God’s people
    •  The farmers were the religious leaders and teachers of the law

    • The people sent by the owner were the prophets
      • God had sent these prophets to tell Israel about the coming Messiah
      • The Jews, their religious leaders and teachers of the law had always opposed these prophets and killed them.
      • Jesus once wept over Jerusalem (Luke 13:34): “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you. How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”

    • Who do you think the vineyard son was? Jesus.

  • God was going to save his people. And even though his prophets were rejected, He still continued His plan of salvation.
  • Jesus knew that He would be put to death. And through this parable, He was telling the religious leaders about His death.
  • Because it was through His death that all man could live through Him.
  •  Jesus was the stone that the builders rejected
    • He was a stumbling block to the religious leaders (1 Cor 1:22; Isaiah 8:14). A stumbling block is a stone that is in your way and you fall/trip over it. For the Jews, Jesus was a stumbling block. They couldn’t accept Him — instead they fell/tripped all over Him.
    • The Jews could not accept that there could be salvation apart from all that they were doing — adhering to the Law and their religious traditions.
    • They wanted to be righteous before God, but they wanted to do it their way — by their own works in trying to fully obey the Lord.
    • The problem is that they could never fulfill it fully. Because God’s way was perfect. And only God could meet that standard.
    • Jesus was saying that those who fell on that stone, who tripped over Jesus and His free gift of righteousness, who rejected it, would be broken to pieces and crushed. They would never be able to be righteous on their own.

  • Despite all that opposition, Jesus has become the cornerstone — the most important stone of all!
    • Even though He was killed, Jesus resurrected after 3 days and became the stone that holds everything together, the rock upon which God built His church (Matt 16:18, 1 Cor 3:11).
    • If we trust in Him alone and accept His gift of righteousness, Jesus becomes our refuge, our shelter, our salvation.
    • As Peter said in Act 4:11-12Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
  • Who is Jesus to you? A stumbling block? Or the cornerstone?
    • Let’s not be like the Jews and religious leaders who refuse to accept God’s free gift of salvation and righteousness through Jesus.
    • Let’s trust in Jesus, our cornerstone, our rock of refuge, and enjoy the life He gives to us!
    • 1 Cor 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
  • Memory verse: Luke 20:17 ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”

3. Activity Suggestion
  • Memory Verse Review:
    • Use an activity or game to help the kids remember the Memory Verse

  • Wordsearch

Sunday, February 3, 2013

3 Februari 2013

Kelas Balita
Sesi 1 = Coach Susan
             (asst. Junita & Fenny)
 Sesi 2 = Coach Jemimah / Dewi K.
             (asst. Rini Palad)

Kelas 1 - 3
Sesi 1 = Coach Eko
Sesi 2 = Coach Yudistira

Kelas 4 - 6
Sesi 1 = Coach Swanky
Sesi 2 = Coach Kezia

Thanksgiving Tree

It's the New Year. One way to celebrate it is to look back and give thanks to the Lord for all He's done for us in the past year.

1. Activity

  • Give each kid a coloured paper (or sticker paper). Get them to trace their hand on it and:
    • Write their name on it
    • Write what they are thankful to Jesus for and share with the group
    • Cut out the hand print
    • Paste onto the "tree trunk" (which can be painted or printed onto a large cardboard

2. Lesson
  • Jesus said He is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain in Him and He in us, we will bear much fruit. Apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5)
  • When we know we are a part of Jesus, when we rest in Him and trust Him, we will see His fruits and blessings flow through our lives.
  • In this new year, let's continue to rest in Jesus and give thanks for the many fruits He will produce in us!