Sunday, April 27, 2014

27 April 2014

Kelas Balita
Coach Dewi
Asst 1 : Felicia
Asst 2 : Tasya

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Sianty (Andy)

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Iwan & Shevica

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Lesson: Jesus is our Firm Foundation 

1. Story:
  • Tell the story of "The Wise and Foolish Builders" based on Luke 6:47-49.
  • Jesus liked to use a lot of stories when He taught the people. These stories are called “parables”.
  • One day, Jesus was on a hill teaching the people about God.
  • He told them that:
    • no matter how good man was, he could never be good enough for God’s standards, based on his own works and efforts
    • God loves His enemies and is kind to those who were evil
    • If we know that only God can make us good enough, we will live right and treat others right.
  • After teaching these things to the people, Jesus told them a parable about two men.
    • These two men were building a house.
    • One built his house on the rock — he dug deep to make sure he had a solid foundation.
    • The other decided to build his house on the sand.
    • Both houses looked nice when completed.
    • But one day, a heavy rain came. The wind blew, the flood rose.
    • The house on the rock got wet, but it stood firm.
    • However, the house on the sand fell flat and was destroyed.
2.    Lesson: Good News for today!
  • How many of you saw the news and pictures of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan? <show some pix to the kids> This reminds us that in such storms, many things are easily destroyed. Our hope and faith cannot be on them.
  • When we build our house on sand, we’re building on our own abilities, our intelligence, our achievements, our money ... we think that we are good enough for God. But when the storms come, we realise that whatever we have built cannot stand.
  • But when we build our house on the rock, we are building on the sure foundation — Jesus. Jesus calls us to “come to Him and hear His words and put them into practice.”
  • Only He is good enough for God. Only He can make us good enough for God.
  • And when we believe and trust in Him, we can stand firm till the end.
  • Do we want to build our life on ourselves or on Jesus?
  • Pray: Thank you Jesus that You are our sure foundation. You have done a perfect work on the cross, and all we can do is to trust in You and not be shaken. Thank you for keeping us safe in the storm. In Your name we pray, Amen.

3. Activity Suggestions:




1.    Read Luke 6:27-45. Jesus was teaching people on a hill. He told them a lot of things. What were some of them? 
      Love your enemies, don’t judge others, what’s in the heart determines what comes out of the mouth

2.    What do you think His intentions were in teaching these things?
       Whatever good man thought he could do on his own works and efforts, Jesus raised the standards higher, e.g. Love others à Love your enemies.Vs. 35: God loves His enemies and is kind to those who were evilVs: 43-45: If we know that only God can make us good enough, we will live right and treat others right.

3.    In the parable Jesus told, what were the differences between the ways both men built their houses? What were the results that when the storm came?
        One man built his house on the rock — he dug deep to make sure he had a solid foundation. When the flood came, the house stood firm because it was well built.The other decided to build his house on the sand, without foundation. When the storm came, the house collapsed and was destroyed.

4.    Jesus said that the man who hears His words and puts them into practice is like the one who built his house on the rock. What do you think that means?
        We need to build on the right foundation. We cannot build on our own abilities, intelligence, achievements, money etc and think that we can be good enough for God. Because when the storm of God’s judgment comes, what we built cannot stand.Instead, we have to build our house on the sure foundation — Jesus. Only He is good enough for God. Only He can make us good enough for God. And when we believe and trust in Him, we can stand firm till the end.

5.    What foundation are you building your life on?

·       Pray: Thank you Jesus that You are our sure foundation. You have done a perfect work on the cross, and all we can do is to trust in You and not be shaken. Thank you for keeping us safe in the storm. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

20 April 2014

Kelas Balita
Coach Junita
Asst 1 : Adeline
Asst 2 : Kasey

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Agus Rianto

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Savitri (Miguel)

Jesus heals the centurion's servant

Lesson: Jesus has authority over sicknesses

1.  Game: Simon Says

2. Story:
  • Tell the story of Jesus healing the centurion's servant from Luke 7:1-10.
  • Last week we learned about Jesus teaching on the mountain. After Jesus finished teaching, he went to Capernaum.
  • A centurion heard that Jesus was in town. A centurion is a very important man. He had about 100 soldiers or more under his command.
  • One of the centurion’s favourite servants was sick and about to die. The centurion had heard about Jesus and knew Jesus could heal. He sent some Jewish elders to ask Jesus to come and heal the servant.
  • The Jewish elders pleaded with Jesus, telling them that the centurion was a good man who loves the Jewish nation and built their synagogue. So Jesus went with them.
  • When he was near the house, the centurion sent some friends to Jesus to say: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof.  I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.”
  • The centurion understood what it meant to have authority because he had soldiers under him. He knew if he tells his soldiers to go, they will go; if he tells them to come, they will come; if he tells them to do this, they will do it.
    • Just like the “Simon Says” game. When “Simon” gives an order, everybody follows and obeys.
  • The centurion recognised Jesus’ authority over sicknesses and diseases. He trusted that if Jesus says the servant will be healed, he’ll be healed. He didn’t even need to step into the house.
  • Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s faith. He told the crowd following him that “I have not found such great faith, even in Israel.”
  • And when the centurion’s friends returned to the house, they found the servant completely well!

3. Lesson: Good News for today!
  • Indeed, Jesus is a man of authority. At one word, at His name, sicknesses and demons flee.
  • And when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, He demonstrated His power and authority over sin and death. Jesus himself declared, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matt 28:18) — Memory Verse
  • The best part is that He has given us the same authority and power through His Holy Spirit — “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8).
  • So as children of the living God, you and I have the authority to speak Jesus’ healing to those who are sick. We can tell the sicknesses and diseases to be gone in Jesus’ name, because Jesus took those sicknesses on the cross 2000 years ago. And when we tell them to be gone, they will be gone!
  • Is any of you sick today? Put your hand on the part of your body that’s not feeling well.
  • Or do you know anyone sick today? Think of that person.
  • Let’s speak with Jesus’ authority to the sickness: Sickness (pain, runny nose, cough, headache etc) — you don’t belong in this body! You’ve been nailed to the cross 2000 years ago. So be gone in Jesus’ name. By Jesus’ stripes, I’ve been healed. Amen!

4. Activity Ideas:
  • Quiz: Divide kids into 2 teams and get them to answer some questions on the story today.
    E.g. Where was Jesus? Who was sick? Who was sent first to Jesus? What did the Centurion do for the Jewish people? etc
    •  To answer, the kid has to put up his/her hand and say “Yes Sir”. Those who don’t say “Yes Sir” or who shout out the answer will be disqualified.
  • Craft: Roman Centurion Paper Doll
  • Crossword Puzzle: 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

13 April 2014

Kelas Balita
Coach Susan
Asst 1 : Awan
Asst 2 : Yemima

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Iwan & Shevica

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Lusiana & Lily Bun

Jesus raises the widow’s son from death

Lesson: Jesus has authority over death (Luke 7:11-16)

1. Story:
  • Tell the story of Jesus raising the widow's son from death from Luke 7:11-16.
  • Last week we learned about Jesus healing the centurion’s servant in Capernaum.
  • Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain (Na'in). His disciples and a large crowd followed Him. After all, this was a man who could heal the sick and perform many miracles.
  • When Jesus came to the town’s gate, He saw a dead person being carried out with a large crowd following behind.
  • This dead person was the only son of a widow.
    • What’s a widow? A widow is a woman whose husband has died.
    • How many of you have mummies who work in the office? In those days, married women didn’t go out to work as they had to take care of the household. They depended on the men in the household to provide for them and protect them.
  • When this woman’s husband died, she would have depended on her son to take care of her. But now, her son, her only son, had died. She was alone, helpless and very sad.
  • When Jesus saw the widow, His heart went out to her. He had compassion on her. And He said, “Don’t cry.”
    • Jesus understood what the widow was going through.
    • Many times, when something bad happens, when we feel alone, helpless and very sad, we think nobody understands. We wonder where God is. But the truth is: He is there, He understands, and He is filled with love and compassion for us.
  • Then Jesus went and touched the coffin of the dead man.
    • According to the law then, touching a dead body was a taboo — it would make you “unclean” for 7 days.
    • But Jesus didn’t let that stop Him. Remember how Jesus touched the leper even though the leper was unclean and contagious?
    • While others may be afraid to let unclean things make them unclean, whatever Jesus touched became clean.
  • Then Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” And the dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
  • Those who saw this miracle were filled with awe and praised God. And news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country.

2.  Lesson: Good News for today!
  • Last week, we learnt that Jesus has authority over sicknesses. When He commands healing, healing comes. When He commands sicknesses to leave, sicknesses leaves.
  • Today we see that Jesus has authority over death too. When He commands life to come, life comes. When He commands death to leave, death leaves. Hallelujah!
  • Not only did Jesus have power over death, but God's only Son also defeated death by rising from the dead. And He gives us eternal life so that we can live forever with Jesus.
  • Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b; Memory Verse) 
  • So as children of God, we don’t need to fear death. We can speak Jesus’ life into ourselves, other people, our situations etc knowing that Jesus has won the final victory for us.
  • Let’s pray: Thank you Jesus that You conquered death so that we can have Your eternal life in us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

3. Activity Ideas:
  • Crossword Puzzle


Youth Bible Study

Leader’s Guide

Jesus' Miracles: Jesus raises the widow’s son from death
Read Luke 7:11-16.

1.  What was it like for a widow to lose her only son?
In those days, married women depended on the men in the household to provide for them and protect them. When this woman’s husband died, she would have depended on her son to take care of her. But when her only son died, she was alone and helpless.

2. How did Jesus respond when he saw the widow? What does this tell us about our God?
Jesus had compassion on her. He understood what she was going through.
Many times, when something bad happens, when we feel alone, helpless and sad, we think nobody understands. We wonder where God is. But the truth is: He is there, He understands, and He is filled with love and compassion for us.

3. Jesus went and touched the dead man’s coffin. What was so unusual about that? (cref Numbers 19:11)
According to the law then, touching a dead body was a taboo — it would make you “unclean” for 7 days.But Jesus didn’t let that stop Him. Remember how Jesus touched the leper even though the leper was unclean and contagious? Unclean things didn't contaminate Jesus; instead whatever He touched became clean!

4. Last week we learnt that Jesus has authority over sicknesses — He commands sickness to leave, and it leaves. In this case, what does Jesus demonstrate His authority over?
Death — He told the dead man to “Get up!” and he sat up and began to talk.

5. How did Jesus ultimately defeat death? And what does that mean for us today?
By dying on the cross and rising from the dead 3 days later. He gave us eternal life so that we can live forever with Jesus.

6. Memory Verse: John 10:10 I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

6 April 2014

Kelas Balita
Coach Carrie
Asst 1 : Javelyn
Asst 2 : Laila

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Susi Tjio (Fenny)

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches :Yungcien

God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

Lesson: God Provides the Lamb

1. Story:
  • Tell the story of God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac from Genesis 22:1-19.
  • Abraham was a friend of God. 
  • Remember all the promises God promised Him? One of them was that God promised Abraham as many children as the stars. And though Abraham had no children for many, many years, God finally gave him a son, Isaac.
  • One day, God told Abraham, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love ... Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering."
  • Abraham waited so long for his son. And now he had one, God was asking him to sacrifice him?
  • Abraham couldn't understand; but he knew God, he knew God loved Him, and he trusted God.
  • So the next morning, Abraham took his son Isaac and set off to the place where God told him to go. He carried the fire and knife, and put the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac's back.
  • As they walked up the hill, Isaac asked his father, "The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"
  • Abraham answered, "God will provide the lamb."
  • When they reached, Abraham then built an alter and arranged wood on it. Then he bound Isaac and laid him on the altar on top of the wood.
  • How do you think Isaac felt? He definitely couldn't understand! But he knew his father, he knew his father loved Him, and he trusted his father.
  • As Abraham reached out his hand raised the knife high, suddenly the angel of the Lord called out, "Abraham! Abraham! Stop! Don't hurt the boy. I want him to live and not die. I know now that you love me because you would have given me your only son."
  • Abraham must have been so relieved. He looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in the thicket. He took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son, and called that place, "The Lord will Provide."
  • God then blessed Abraham again, "Because you obeyed me, even when I asked you to do a hard thing, I will richly bless you. From you will become a great nation, and all people on earth will ask you to be blessed the way I have blessed you, all because you obeyed my command."
2. Lesson: Good News for Today!
  • From this story, we see God's heart and a shadow of His redemption plan.
  • God:
    • wants His people to live, not die
    • wants to rescue His people, not punish them
    • wants His people to just trust Him
  • God promised that one day, through Abraham, He will give the world a sacrifice to tell them how much He loves them.
  • One day, God took His son, His only son, Jesus, whom He loves, and sacrificed Him as a burnt offering.
  • He put the cross on His back and made Him walk up the hill.
  • Like the ram caught in the thorny bush, Jesus had a crown of thorns pressed on His brow as He took the punishment for our sin.
  • God provided Jesus, the lamb of God. Jehovah Jireh!
  • And because of Jesus' obedience, we all have the same blessing of Abraham.
  • Let's pray: Thank you Jesus that You took our place as the sacrificial lamb. Thank you that You took all our sins and sicknesses on the cross and that You defeated death when You rose 3 days later. Thank you that we have life and blessings because of You. Amen!"