Sunday, July 26, 2015

26 July 2015

Kelas Balita
Coach Carrie
Asst 1 : Adeline
Asst 2 : Ruth

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Shianty & Ci Dewi

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Tjipto & Jeremy

Nehemiah: Gospel in the Gates (Review)

140810 Nehemiah

1.       STORY: Gospel in the Gates (Nehemiah 3)

  • This is a review lesson. Keep it simple, fun and activity based.
  • Basically, the kids should be able to know: Name of Gate and how it reminds us of what Jesus has done for us. For the older kids, you may want to up the ante by throwing in a memory verse or two.
  • Please end with the Conclusion (important) and an invitation for those who have not received Christ to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

  • Here are some suggestions for the review that you can use or modify. Just 1-2 activities would be good enough:
    • Find the Gates: Hide cards with pictures representing each gate around the room. Have the kids hunt for the pictures. Then use the pictures to go through each gate and how they point to Jesus.
    • Matching Game: Prepare 2 identical sets of 10 picture cards (each card has a picture representing each gate) and get the kids to match. Can be done in a relay style also, e.g. both sets of cards are mixed up in front (facing upwards); kids line up in 2 lines and take turns to run forward to find a matching pair.
    • Memory Game: Have 10 large cards with pictures to represent each of the gates and another 10 large cards with text on how they point to Jesus. (large cards: so the whole class can see what’s on the cards). Arrange cards face down in a 4×5 grid (either on the floor or stuck on a board). Divide kids into 2 teams. Teams take turns to send a representative forward to open 2 cards and try to find a matching pair (e.g. Sheep Gate picture card with “Jesus is the Lamb of God” text card). If a match is made, the cards are removed, and the team gets a point. If unsuccessful, the cards have to be returned faced down in original position for the next person to try. Team that gets the most number of matches wins.
    • Memory Verse Games: Can be used for the memory verse of the week too (John 10:9-10)
      • Scrambled Verse: Prepare 2 sets of scrambled memory verses, divide kids into 2 groups and get them to unscramble the verse. E.g. Horse gate: cut-out horse shapes, write a word of the verse on each of the horses, get kids to unscramble. Or for Fish gate: write each word of the verse on a paper fish with a paper clip attached; kids have to try to fish out the correct word to complete the verse.
      • Duck, duck goose: Kids sit in circle. Choose a memory verse, and the chosen kid has to walk outside the circle and recite the verse while tapping each kid lightly as he says each word. When he reaches the end of the verse, the last kid has to stand up and chase him round the circle. The one who recited the verse will have to run a round and try to get to the empty spot in the circle before he gets tagged.
    • Create a wall: Divide kids into 10 small groups and assign each group a gate. Have them create a cardboard box (lots of ideas on the Net or you can just get ready-made ones) and decorate the box based on their assigned gate. Then assemble the boxes in a circle on the floor to resemble the walls of Jerusalem. Have the kids stand outside the wall and move from gate to gate as you do the review, beginning with the Sheep gate. At the end, talk about how Jesus is the gate through which we get abundant life (John 10:9-10). And invite the kids to step into the middle of the box circle if they want to accept Jesus as their Gate of Life — their Lord and Saviour. Lead them in prayer inside the circle.

    • Recap

  • We’re following the adventures of Nehemiah as he and the people of Israel work together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
  • There were 10 gates mentioned in the rebuilding of the walls. We looked at what these gates were used for and how they remind us of Jesus and His finished work on the Cross!
  1. Sheep Gate: Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
    John 1:29 Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
  2. Fish Gate: Jesus died and resurrected after 3 days (just as Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for 3 days).
    1 Cor 15:55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”
  3. Old Gate: Jesus makes us New Creations
    2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
  4. Valley Gate: Jesus is always with us, even in the valleys
    Psalm 23:4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
  5. Rubbish Gate: All our good is rubbish compared to knowing Jesus (Jesus + nothing = everything!)
    Phil 3:7-9 All my good are like rubbish compared to knowing Jesus.
  6. Fountain Gate: Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit
    John 4:14 The water Jesus gives me will become a fountain of water that gives me everlasting life.
  7. Water Gate: Jesus washes us clean with His word
    Eph 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the wordor Jesus loved me and washed me clean with His word.
  8. Horse Gate: Jesus has won the victory
    Rom 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
  9. East Gate: Jesus is coming again soon
    Matt 24:27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.Or John 14:3 ” And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
  10. Miphkad Gate (or Gathering Gate): Jesus gathers us together.
    Matt 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.

  • Conclusion:
    • The Bible is a great big love story about how God loved us so much, He came down to die in our place so we can have new life in Him.
    • The Bible points us to Jesus and His finished work on the Cross.
    • Through studying the 10 gates of Jerusalem, we can see Jesus and what He has done for us.
    • Jesus Himself said that He is the gate of life!
    • John 10:9-10 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
    • Just like the sheep go through the gate to safety in the sheep pen, and go through the gate for food and nourishment in the pasture, when we come to Jesus, we have His protection and His provision for us!
    • Invite kids to accept Jesus as their gate of life!


  • Memory Verse activityJohn 10:9-10 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
  • Close in Prayer

Sunday, July 19, 2015

19 July 2015

Kelas Balita
Coach Jemimah
Asst 1 : Jesslyn
Asst 2 : Awan

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Iwan & Shevica

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Savitri & Miguel

Nehemiah: The Gospel in the Gates 
– Miphkad Gate (Neh 3j) 

1. HOOK:

  • Song: The more we get together
    The more we get together, together, together    <hold hands in circle and swing>
    The more we get together, the happier we’ll be
    For Jesus is my friend                                                      <point at ownself>
    And Jesus is your friend                                                  <point at another person>
    The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

2. STORY: Gospel in the Gates – Gathering Gate (Miphkad Gate) (Nehemiah 3:31)

  • Recap
    • We’re following the adventures of Nehemiah as he and the people of Israel work together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
    • There were 10 gates mentioned in the rebuilding of the walls. We looked at what these gates were used for and how they remind us of Jesus and His finished work on the Cross!
    • So far, we’ve covered the: <refer kids to slides or the posters on the wall during review>
      • Sheep Gate: Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
      • Fish Gate: Jesus died and resurrected after 3 days (just as Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for 3 days).
      • Old Gate: Jesus makes us New Creations
      • Valley Gate: Jesus is always with us, even in the valleys
      • Rubbish Gate: All our good is rubbish compared to knowing Jesus (Jesus + nothing = everything!)
      • Fountain Gate: Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit
      • Water Gate: Jesus washes us clean with His word
      • Horse Gate: Jesus has won the victory
      • East Gate: Jesus is coming again soon
  • Today, we are looking at the 10th and final gate in this series — the Gathering Gate/Miphkad Gate
  • Nehemiah 3:31 31 After him Malchijah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs as far as the house of the Nethinim and of the merchants, in front of the Miphkad Gate …
  • “Miphkad” has several meanings: gathering (mustering) appointment, designated spot, numbering                                                            
  • The Miphkad Gate led into the Temple courtyard, where people come together to worship God 
  • <older kids> The word “Miphkad” is used in 3 places in the Bible:
    • King David counting his fighting men (census) (2 Sam 24:9, 1 Chron 21:5)
    • Appointment of people into positions by King Hezekiah (2 Chron 31:13)
    • A designated area of the temple for the burning of the sin offering (Eze 43:21)


What does the Miphkad Gate remind us of? Jesus brings us together.
<for older kids>
  • Miphkad: designated area:
    • At the designated area of the temple, an innocent lamb was sacrificed for the people of Israel’s sins
    • At the Cross, Jesus, the Lamb of God was sacrificed for the sins of the world
    • Because Jesus paid for our sins and made us holy, we can come to God and God’s Spirit can live in us (we become His temple)

  • Miphkad: gathering: 
    • God also calls us to be a body — not a lone ranger Christian.
    • Because of Jesus, we are one big family — different shapes and sizes, yet all One in Jesus.
    • While God’s Spirit lives in us, when we gather together, we can show each other the Jesus in us — we can encourage each other; when one falls down, the other can pull him up; when one is happy, they others can celebrate with him; when one is sad, the others can share their sorrow.
    • Jesus said, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matt 18:20)
    • It’s like a family gathering together at the dinner table (e.g. Daddy/Mummy ringing a bell or calling everyone to come to eat), instead of each person eating by themselves in their room.
    • That’s why we can come together as a big family every Sunday to celebrate Jesus … not just with mummy and daddy, but also with other aunties, uncles, grandparents and friends. That’s why we should come together as often as we can to hear about Jesus and what He has done for us.
    • And one day, when Jesus comes again, He will gather ALL of us together in front of His throne. What a wonderful family gathering that will be!
    • Rev 7:9  After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
    • We are one family … all because of Jesus
  • The Miphkad Gate reminds us that Jesus gathers us together.
  • Memory Verse: Matt 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name,there am I with them.

<for younger kids>
  • Story of Jesus and the children
    • Let me tell you a story about some children who lived a long time ago.
    • It was a normal day for the children in the village. They would be at home spending time with their family or playing together with their friends.
    • That day, their mother came rushing into the house. “Hurry children, hurry! Jesus is here! I want Jesus to touch you and bless you. He has done many amazing things for other people, especially those who are sick.”
    • The children jumped to their feet when they heard this. They had heard people talking about Jesus. He sounded like a very special and important person.
      The children rushed out the door. They saw many other children with their mothers rushing in the same direction. As they turned the corner, they saw Jesus!
    • Many people were around Him. The children started to make their way up to Jesus.
    • Then some men around Jesus started to turn people away. “Go away, Jesus is too busy to see the children. Go away!”
    • The children were disappointed and a little afraid. They started to turn back.
    • Suddenly, Jesus looked at those men and said, “Let the little children come to me and DO NOT stop them!”
    • Then as if a door had been opened, all the children made their way to Jesus. He wrapped His arms around them and prayed for them. It was a very exciting day for the children. They were able to see how much Jesus loved them. They got to see that Jesus wanted to spend time with them.
    • Jesus loves you boys and girls too. He loves you so much that He died and came back to life so that you could spend forever with Him. He really wants to be able to spend time with us when we are alone. And He also loves it when we gather together to sing praise to Him and learn more about Him through the Bible, just like today.
    • Miphkad means gathering together
    • We can gather together because Jesus brings us together.

  • The Miphkad Gate reminds us that Jesus gathers us together
  • Memory Verse: Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them.”
  • Song suggestion: Jesus loves the little children


  • Poster: The Miphkad Gate

Sunday, July 12, 2015

12 July 2015

Kelas Balita
Coach Susan
Asst 1 : Tasya
Asst 2 : Felianti

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Lily Bun & Santi

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Lusiana & Theresia

Nehemiah: The Gospel in the Gates 
– East Gate (Neh 3i) 

1. HOOK:

  •  The Lord of the Rings (optional)
    How many of you have read or watched the Lord of the Rings? What is it about? <get answers>A group (Fellowship of the Ring) whose mission is to destroy a powerful ring, and the evil one who made it.In the story, there is also a man who is heir to the throne of the kingdom of Gondor; his name is Aragorn. After their last king died, the human population in Middle Earth waned and were nearly forgotten and extinct. At the end of the third book/movie, which was titled “The return of the King”, Aragorn defeated the evil one’s enemy and claimed his right to the throne. He returned as the King of Gondor and Arnor, reuniting and preserving the people of his kingdom.Just as the people looked forward to the return of their king, we also can look forward to the return of the King of kings! His name is … Jesus!

2. STORY: Gospel in the Gates – East Gate (Nehemiah 3:29)

  • Recap
    • We’re following the adventures of Nehemiah as he and the people of Israel work together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
    • There were 10 gates mentioned in the rebuilding of the walls. We looked at what these gates were used for and how they remind us of Jesus and His finished work on the Cross!
    • So far, we’ve covered the: <refer kids to slides or the posters on the wall during review>
      • Sheep Gate: Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
      • Fish Gate: Jesus died and resurrected after 3 days (just as Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for 3 days).
      • Old Gate: Jesus makes us New Creations
      • Valley Gate: Jesus is always with us, even in the valleys
      • Rubbish Gate: All our good is rubbish compared to knowing Jesus (Jesus + nothing = everything!)
      • Fountain Gate: Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit
      • Water Gate: Jesus washes us clean with His word
      • Horse Gate: Jesus has won the victory
  • Today, we are looking at the 9th gate — the East Gate
  • Nehemiah 3:29 Next to him, Shemaiah son of Shekaniah, the guard at the East Gate, made repairs. 
  • The East Gate is located opposite of the Mount of Olives.
  • When Jesus was on earth, the week before He was going to die on the cross, He entered Jerusalem through the East Gate, riding on a donkey.
  • After Jesus died on the cross, He was buried and then rose again. He appeared to His disciples and many others and told them to tell others about Him. While He was talking to them, He started to go up into the sky! The people watched Him go up into the clouds and disappear! While they were still staring into the sky, an angel appeared and said, “Why are you looking up into the sky? This same Jesus will come back in the same way you have seen him go up into heaven.”


What does the East Gate remind us of? Jesus is coming again.
  • East = the direction from which the sun rises
  • East = the direction from which the SON of Man (Jesus) will come again
    • Matt 24:27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
  • <for older kids>According to prophecy, when Jesus returns again, His feet will touch first the Mount of Olives, causing a great earthquake, and splitting the Mount of Olives in two. Then He will enter Jerusalem through the East Gate (Zech 14:4). Many years later, in 1530AD, the Arabs (Ottoman Turks) sealed up the East Gate. They believe that the Jews expected their Messiah to come through this gate, so they sealed it up to prevent His return. They even planted a cemetery in front of it, thinking that a Jewish Messiah will not set foot into a cemetery because it was not “holy”. But the Arabs didn’t know that a sealed gate will not prevent the return of the King. And by sealing the gate, they are actually fulfilling a prophecy by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 44:1-3) who has said that the East Gate will be shut.
  • <for younger kids>How many of you go to kindergarten? Who sends you to school? Mummy? Daddy?
    When your parents drop you off at school, will they also pick you back after school?
    Yes! They won’t leave you behind. They will say, “See you later, alligator!” and they’ll promise to come back for you. And when school is over, mummy and daddy are there, just as they promised!
    After Jesus died and rose again, He went back to heaven. But do you know that He promised to come back for us? And He will. Every time we see the sun rise in the east, we remember Jesus’ promise and know that He will come again soon!

  • What does this mean for us?
    • When Jesus comes back, He will bring us back to be with the Father forever!
    • Have you ever had someone special come to your house for a visit like a grandparent or cousins, or good friends? Sometimes we make plans for people to come and visit. What kinds of things do you have to do to get ready for company? (Clean your room, get some snacks, help clean the house, etc.) I get really excited when someone is going to come and visit. As their visit gets closer, I start counting the days until they come.
    • Do you know that Jesus is busy preparing His home for our arrival? Jesus is in heaven now.  Before He died, Jesus told His disciples, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for youAnd if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (John 14:1-3)
    • Jesus is preparing His place for us, and He is coming back to bring us with Him!
  • How will we know when Jesus has come back again?
    • Because we will all see it (Matt 24:27; Rev 1:7 “… every eye will see Him”)
    • When Jesus first came as a little baby, not many people knew about it. There wasn’t a big fanfare, no newspapers or radio or Internet to announce His arrival. Only a bright star in the sky, and shepherds and wisemen who came to greet Him.
    • But when He comes again, it’ll be as bright and noticeable as the sun, or a lightning flashing through the sky. We don’t need to read about it on Facebook. We will all see it together.

  • When will Jesus come again?
    • Jesus promised to come again. We can look forward to it just as people two thousand years ago looked forward the coming Messiah.
    • Jesus’ coming again = Satan’s time is up! He will be completely destroyed!
      Satan is scared that his time is up, so he tries to do as much damage as he can.
      The signs of the times — wars, famines, diseases etc — tell us that the time is near. So when we read of all these disasters, we shouldn’t be fearful. We just declare that Jesus is coming again soon!
    • We don’t know exactly when He will come; it isn’t marked on the calendar. But every day when we see the sun rising from the east, we remember that the SON of Man — Jesus — is coming again soon.
    • East Gate reminds us that Jesus is coming again!


  • Poster: The East Gate

Sunday, July 5, 2015

5 July 2015

Kelas Balita
Coach Ochie
Asst 1 : Laila
Asst 2 : Felicia

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Susi Tjio (Asst. Fenny)

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Kent & Swanky

Nehemiah: The Gospel in the Gates 
– Horse Gate (Neh 3h) 

1. HOOK:

  • Pin the tail on the horse: Instead of donkey, have a picture of a horse. Blindfold kids and have them pin/stick the tail on the horse. The one who pins the tail closest to the correct spot wins.
  • Arm wrestling match: Choose a representative from each group and get them to arm wrestle in front of the class. Idea is to show “victory”.
  • Joke: The preacher and his horse
    • A preacher trained his horse to go when he said, “Praise the Lord,” and to stop when he said, “Amen.” The preacher mounted the horse, said, “Praise the Lord” and went for a ride. When he wanted to stop for lunch, he said, “Amen.” After lunch, he took off again, saying, “Praise the Lord.” The horse started trotting again. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Then there was a sudden loud noise! The loud noise startled the horse, setting it galloping off in a different direction — straight toward the edge of a cliff. As the cliff got closer and closer, the preacher got so scared that he forgot his key words. So he prayed out loud, “Lord Jesus, please make my horse stop! Amen!” When the horse heard the “Amen”, it stopped immediately, right at the edge of the cliff! The preacher was so relieved and grateful. He breathed deeply, looked up to heaven and shouted loudly, “Praise the Lord!”

2. STORY: Gospel in the Gates – Horse Gate (Nehemiah 3:28)

  • Recap
    • We’re following the adventures of Nehemiah as he and the people of Israel work together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
    • There were 10 gates mentioned in the rebuilding of the walls. We looked at what these gates were used for and how they remind us of Jesus and His finished work on the Cross!
    • So far, we’ve covered the: <refer kids to slides or the posters on the wall during review>
      • Sheep Gate: Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
      • Fish Gate: Jesus died and resurrected after 3 days (just as Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for 3 days).
      • Old Gate: Jesus makes us New Creations
      • Valley Gate: Jesus is always with us, even in the valleys
      • Rubbish Gate: All our good is rubbish compared to knowing Jesus (Jesus + nothing = everything!)
      • Fountain Gate: Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit
      • Water Gate: Jesus washes us clean with His word
  • Today, we are looking at the 8th gate — the Horse Gate
  • Nehemiah 3:28 28 Beyond the Horse Gate the priests made repairs, each in front of his own house.
  • The Horse Gate was close to the King’s stables. The men of Jerusalem would ride their horses out of this gate to war, and after the war, the king’s chariots will pass through the gates on its way back into the city in triumphant procession.


What does the Horse Gate remind us of? Jesus has won the victory.

  • In Revelations 19:11-12, Jesus is seen on a white horse and all the armies of heaven on white horses were behind him. He wears many crowns on His head to show that He has won the victory.
  • What victory has Jesus won?
    • On the cross, Jesus defeated sin: His perfect life was sacrificed to pay the full punishment of sin. So sin — and its consequences (fear, worry, sadness etc) — no longer has any demand or hold over us anymore.
    • By His resurrection, Jesus defeated death: By raising from the dead, Jesus showed that even death could not hold Him anymore. He had defeated death!
    • Jesus = WINS! SIN = Lost! DEATH = Lost!
  • When someone wins a competition, usually they win a prize. What did Jesus win?
    • Jesus won our righteousness and holiness — Because Jesus defeated sin, we can be right and good and clean — we can become God’s children and experience His blessings
    • Jesus won our eternal life — Because Jesus defeated death, we can always have His life in us. We don’t have to be afraid of death because we know we can be with Jesus forever.
  • Horse Gate reminds us that Jesus has won the victory for us!
  • Do you notice something? Jesus is the one who won the victory. Why is it we get all the prizes and blessings? That’s right! Jesus took all the bad we deserved (punishment and death) so that we can have all the good things that He deserved (blessings and favour). He won the victory so that we can enjoy the relationship with God and all the good things He has in store for us.
  • That’s what the Bible means when it says we are “more than conquerors”.
  • Rom 8:37  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
    • Story of the boxer (optional): There was a very famous boxer. He trained very hard, day and night. He took part in a very prestigious boxing competition. He beat many opponents, round after round, until finally, he won the final round and got the championship medal! He also received the prize money of a few thousand dollars. He was the champion, the conqueror!  Everybody cheered for him. But when he went home, the boxer greeted his wife and handed her his prize money so that she could go and buy herself something with it. The boxer was the conqueror; but his wife was “more than a conqueror” because she received the benefits of the prize money!


  • Memory Verse: Rom 8:37  No, in all these things we are more than conquerorsthrough him who loved us.
  • Poster:  The Horse Gate