Sunday, August 26, 2012

26 Agustus 2012

Ibadah Gabungan

Sesi 1 
Coach : Susan
WL : Lenny
Ice Breaker & Games : Kasey, Junita, Tasya

Sesi 2
Coach : Yudistira
WL : Rini Nomleni
Ice Breaker & Games : Kezia, Rini P., Linda

God's word on Peace in Jesus

Lesson: Jesus is our Peace

1. Intro: Hurricane facts (bring pix, vids etc)
  • Who knows what a hurricane is?
  • A hurricane is a huge storm. It starts from the sea, with strong winds.
  • It can reach a speed of 600 miles an hour. (give example of how fast that is)
  • When the hurricane reaches land, it causes big damage to buildings, plants, animals, people ... due to flooding, heavy rains and strong winds.
  • The winds blow in anti-clockwise direction and the centre of the wind is called the "eye" of the hurricane.
  • In the "eye" of the hurricane, it is very calm. 
  • In Malaysia, we are very blessed to be safe from hurricanes.
  • But in life, we all face different types of storms or hurricanes.
  • Someone may be sick, or have trouble with homework, or lost something precious. These can all feel like storms that rob us of our peace and joy. We may end up worried or lose sleep over it.
  • Do you know that peace is not just a feeling you get when everything is going well and there are no problems in the world?
  • Do you know that you can still have peace even when everything goes horribly wrong around you?

  • When Jesus was born, He was called the "Prince of Peace". 
  • Before He died on the cross, Jesus told His disciples: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27, memory verse)
  • Jesus came to give us peace with God. And because He now lives in our hearts, His peace is with us always. 
  • He does not give as the world gives -- the world's peace is temporary. When everything is calm, it's very peaceful. When something happens, that peace goes. But Jesus' peace never leaves. It is always there.
  • When we know what Jesus had done for us on the cross, when we know how much He loves us, when we know He works everything out for good for us, our hearts will be filled with peace.
  • No matter what happens, we do not need to be anxious or worried because Jesus is with us.
  • Just like the eye of the hurricane -- outside may be havoc and trouble, but inside is peace. When the strong winds blow, we know we are safe and have peace because Jesus is with us and He never ever leaves us.

3. Craft idea:
  • hurricane spiral: kids to write memory verse around the spiral. 

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